Ok, cheerier subjects?
Rachel's talking just keeps growing by leaps and bounds. She's only 21 months old and she counts to five, she says the basic farm animal names and their sounds, and she just keeps amazing me every day with new words. Of course her favorite this week has been 'yee haw' as she plays with the cowboy hat that belongs to Jessie (Toy Story 2). So cute!
And Elizabeth's friend told the boy she has a crush on that Elizabeth loves him. Oh, she was mad! But she played it cool, she told him, "I may have a crush on you, but then again I may not." LOL Oh, the boy troubles that first graders have! I think I'm in trouble in later on down the road, lol.
New Product Alert
Check out the cute things that Corina put in her store this week. I am loving, loving, loving the heartstrings. You will probably see them on a lot of my layouts in the near future. (Click here for Corina's store.)
Oh, and I was just over there and noticed she has added a bunch of templates, the first ones she made a while back. Cool.

My Art
This is the layout that I created using Corina's new products as well as Corina's cool doodles. These cute photos were taken by my friend Tracey as Rachel sipped her first taste of cow's milk. She wasn't too thrilled with it, lol. (Click here for page credits.)

And this was a fun page to do, because I don't normally get to do boy pages. (Click here for page credits.)

Hope everyone is well in your house these days.
Thanks for the comment on the blog train - just thought I'd stop by and say hi!
Your layouts are lovely...funny, I have two boys so I rarely do girl layouts unless I borrow a picture!
Mellykat :)
Nice work there! Corina' schtuff is so cool, too, you enabler you!! :)
love, me <><
love the milk faces!! And the bubbles going across the boy page are really great :)
Great pages! Hope your household gets healthy soon!
Hope everyone will feel better soon!!
Awsome new stuff from Corina, you lucky one:) Lovin´ your new pages...great job!!
Have a great weekend!!
You always blow me away, girl.. stunning layouts! Sending lots of healthy vibes your way! {hugs}
awwww hope that the sickness in your house will go away soon..it's never fun to have anybody sick..btw the layouts are all gorgeous..thanks for the comment on my blog..have a nice day
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