Journaling reads:
“When Elizabeth plays soccer, she plays hard. And don’t ever confuse her with someone who can be pushed around, because she pushes back.
Her first soccer game was all smiles and fun, especially when she scored two goals. But her second game was a little different. The boys on the opposing team were rather aggressive. And I am not referring to their style of play, but rather to their behavior in general. First, one boy jumped on her and pinned her to the ground. So, Elizabeth flipped him over on his back and pinned him to the ground. Then another little boy came up to her after the game and put his hands on her chest and shoved her to the ground. Elizabeth didn’t even bat an eye before getting up and shoving him right back.
I was rather shocked at their behavior, but I more than admit that I am glad that my little girl won’t be pushed around.
A few games later, nobody was surprised when Elizabeth bonked heads with another kid and came away with a black eye, which wasn’t her first and probably won’t be her last.
But what did surprise people at the beginning of the season was that this little kindergarten girl not only stood up for herself, but she rocked on the field. She got in there and stole the ball from the other team. She took the ball away and ran it down the field to her goal and scored. She used good sportsmanship and boy did she have fun. All the while looking cute.”

Products used: Papers and overlay from Maya’s Crazy Paisley kit at ScrapbookGraphics. Stitching from Jen Wilson. Paisley brush from ScrapGirls.
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